Rideshare Board

For those wishing to carpool to and from Swannanoa, we present this “bulletin board” as a way to bring drivers and riders together. All the info here has been provided by users, so the Gathering assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or for any travel arrangements negotiated between individuals. Having said that, sharing a ride might appeal to many who wish to save money and resources, and make new friends before they arrive. Here’s how it works:

List your info by filling out the form located here. When your listing arrives in our office, it will be added to the table below. Scan the listings and contact the person(s) you wish to ride or share with to arrange transportation. For your convenience, you can find maps showing our location just east of Asheville, NC here. Once arrangements have been made, each person involved please send us an email to gathering@warren-wilson.edu, so we will know to remove your listing.

Have A Ride To Offer:

Depart From: Depart Date: Return To: Return Date: # of people: Name: Phone: Email:
Seneca, SC 2025-06-29 Seneca, SC 2025-07-06 1 Jimmy Mahone 804-387-8124 jimmy.mahone@att.net

Comments: ​I am able to offer a ride to and from Warren Wilson College for Fiddle, Mando & Banjo Week.

Need a Ride:

There are currently no ride needs posted