Children’s Program

During Traditional SongCeltic and Old-Time Music & Dance Weeks we offer a full-day program for children ages 6-12, taught by Children’s Program Coordinator Melissa Hyman. This is not a program of music instruction (although music is certainly incorporated!), but a program of crafts and creativity, games, friendship, silliness, and discovery.  Are you instead looking for your child to take our Swannanoa Gathering music instruction courses?

Remember, space is limited. Children must have turned 6 by July 1st to participate. No exceptions please. Maximum age is 12 by July 1**. Program activities are scheduled during class periods, and parents are responsible for their children at all other times. This means that you drop-off before the first class period, pick-up for lunch, and then pick-up after the last class period. Those bringing children should indicate so on their registration form. Meals are not included in the program fee. Bathroom independence is a non-negotiable prerequisite.

The program fee can be found here.

Children under 12 may stay in a room with two adults, at least one of whom is a registered student, at no charge, other than the cost of meals. The accompanying adult should provide each child’s bedding (mattress/cot, sheets, blankets, pillow), and both adults must request the arrangement. In the case of a single adult with child(ren), they will be housed together and charged an additional single room fee for the week as long as space permits. We will not be able to offer late-night childcare this year.

**Some older children (age 13-15) may be able to work as junior counselors. Junior counselors only pay the materials portion of the Children’s program fee ($30), but do not receive monetary compensation. Please email Melissa ASAP if interested in a junior counselor position, even if you’ve discussed it with her before:

There also may be opportunities for paid counselor positions (aged 16 and up). Please contact Melissa to inquire/express interest.